Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Breast augmentation - Do Breast Implants Cause Surgical marks?

Stretch marks (Striae) after a couple of Breast Augmentation (Augmentation Mammoplasty) with breast augmentation are very unusual could can happen. I have seen significant Striae in only one patient in almost 40 years. It occurred in specialist body builder who was prone to stretch marks and who began vigorously activity and exercise a week after her breast augmentation, against my advice. If stretch marks have took place other patients they have not complained or brought it to my attention. Normally, in most patients no happen.

Most Plastic Surgeons agree that Striae might happen after Augmentation Mammoplasty and it is unusual. The highest incidence I have ever read about is a couple patients in one hundred but that is not a statistically significant, scientific study. In my experience the catch is much less than 1 having fun with 100. There are also times which can increase propose being very careful stretch marks after surgical procedures.

Some of the factors which increase the chances of stretch marks after breast surgery are:

繚 You are prone to Striae-if you developed effortlessly in other body areas contains hips, thighs and abdomen while in rapid adolescent growth part, you are more in order to be develop this problem after breast surgery.

繚 Pre pregnancy-younger women who have never had children, and thus have never gone through breast engorgement during pregnancy are inclined to have this problem than women who've had children.

繚 Very thin fair skin- the skin is more fragile and potentially vulnerable to injury with expansion.

繚 Choosing too large an implant- a the main augmentation, greater than 400-450 ccs applies significant expansion forces on line breast skin and can the danger of stretch marks. This is especially true in younger although with fair thin skin who have not had children. Women who are prone to Striae are especially jeopardized with very large Attachements.

繚 Too vigorous box muscle exercise e. w. Weight lifting, pectoralis crunching, too soon after surgical procedure.

How to avoid stretch marks after breast implants

繚 Find a sub muscular rather than sub glandular keeping the breast implant. Across the muscle rather than this muscle. The muscle might protect the skin which result from too rapid expansion.

繚 Choose a bring enlargement or augmentation for people with never had children as well as get fair thin skin. I would say a maximum of 250cc.

繚 Avoid heavy vigorous exercise for at least 3 weeks after oral surgical procedures. Avoid specific chest exercises like bench press and pectoralis muscle strengthening exercises.

繚 If you put up with Striae delay augmentation until after having children.

What to Do For a few Develop Striae

繚 Creams this is not to help. The problem is it as the skin occurs expanded the Dermis, the deeper layer of the skin actually tears which aid organizations the depression or Stretchmarks. New collagen build up is a good idea for repair. Creams cannot do that.

繚 Laser Therapy- there is just one laser that I have noticed which can improve Striae. That is the 1540 Fraxel Non Ablative Erbium Fractionated laser. Do not have CO2 traditional hair removal they can make Stretchmarks worse! The sooner attain 1540 Laser treatments the most, hopefully within weeks to have an appear. The 1540 laser works best on new, fresh Striae tend to be pink to red. That you can 4-6 treatments 4-6 full night's apart, but you should start early while the Striae continue to pink for best consequences. The Striae will become lessened, become smaller and white all of which will not completely disappear.

繚 Combined 1540 lazer and infrared skin tightening develop, not remove, older pink colored Striae. The best results I have seen have been combined 1540 could LuxIR Deep treatments. Fully understand Lasers are building new collagen. That takes ages. You will not see a fast result. You will see the best result one or two years after the stand up of 4-6 treatments.

If you develop scars after your breast augmentation try to find skilled at Laser Therapy. Consult a plastic surgeon or dermatologist who has experience in Lasers. Visit the website linked with an ASLMS-American Society of Laser beams in Medicine and Having an operation to find someone in your town. Do not go as a Spa and have pc professional or non MD put forth these treatments. Your Doctor must be experienced in this vulnerable understood new advanced using the Laser.


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